Tuesday, 29 November 2011

November's round up

For reasons that include going on holiday, changing job, and generally being a bit stressed out, it has been some time since my last blog. But the jet lag is fading and I’m almost ready to tell you about my exciting adventures in the land of Florida (you want to hear this stuff – I had a psychic connection with none other than Ernest Hemingway, and I met a really, really awesome dog called Charlie).

To get back into the swing of things, having been back in the UK a week I’ve visited all my favourite places (i.e. shops) and am ready to report back on what they’ve been up to in my absence.

For the month of November’s fashions I will be awarding Paw Prints (this is my own ranking system which you will not generally find elsewhere, and certainly not at events like the Olympics).
3 Paw Prints to Urban Outfitters. Urban Outfitters’ buyers really know what they’re doing when it comes to intarsia items. They’ve often tried to make me buy cardigans with foxes, cats, and even hedgehogs. True story. The latest offering. A reindeer-themed skirt. I’m delighted.

2 Paw Prints to H&M. Well done, indeed. Having apparently exhausted themselves in the animal department this autumn, they’ve turned all Disney. Unexpected. Minnie Mouse was huge last year, but they’ve diversified with a range that includes Bambi, Snow White and Chip ‘n’ Dale (not the strippers).

1 Paw Print to Topshop. I’m being kind. Topshop are doing the retro Christmas jumper thing. How very ’ditch of them. The problem is that they’re not doing it terribly well. This penguin is probably the best of the bunch. He doesn't look happy, though, does he? In fact, I have my suspicions that he's flapping his wings as some sort of cry for help. And you'd be crying for help too if you lived in the world of darkness that is the black of this sweater. Why black? Bah humbug, Topshop. 

And now to the loser who is getting absolutely no Paw Prints.

Sorry, River Island. You were doing so well before I went away. But this dog sweater. Ugh. Why is he looking at me? What is he thinking? I’m not a fan. 

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